Today was a good day at work. I might even go so far as to say today was a fun day at work. I got to play with a new toy and you know us nerds…we love our toys.
I had mentioned to one of the principals I work with that the computers in the school were very dirty inside. I mean filthy dirty. One time when I opened one up there was this enormous dust bunny living inside. He had turned the central processing unit in to a couch and he was kicked back watching Netflix by the glow of the internal battery light. His little dust bunny children were playing over in the RAM somewhere and his wife was warming a pan of lasagna on the power supply. I SWEAR! This same school had multiple power outages this year due to a family of squirrels taking up residence in a nearby electric transformer box so needless to say they were not taking dust bunnies or anything else furry and damaging very lightly. The principal bought a PC vacuum and today was my first chance to put it together and give it a whirl.

Can you say Bye Bye Bunny? This little project was right in my wheelhouse. I am in to instant gratification. It’s why I like to mow the grass and paint a room a new color. The results are immediate. Sucking the dust out of computers is the same way. It would be an understatement to say that I really got in to it. I took some before and after pictures and showed the front office staff. While these ladies were squealing and carrying on with “oh that is so gross” and “that’s disgusting” I was saying “I know isn’t it awesome? While they were repelled by the notion of all that dust and mess I was thrilled by it. The dustier the computer the more satisfying it was to me when I vacuumed it out. I told the bookkeeper “I’m going to suck the hell out of this school this summer.”

It’s the little things in life that make me happy.