Recently while watching Downton Abbey with my husband (yes, I have brainwashed convinced him to watch it with me) he made a comment that made me laugh so hard I had to hit pause. You’ll only get this if you watch the show but you know that scene where Mrs. Hughes is firing that new maid that was chasing after Tom? Joel says to the TV screen “don’t feel bad I hear there’s an opening in town for a prostitute!” HA! Hysterical right?
That’s how you know something is really funny. You either hit pause so you can finish laughing or you wind it back to see it again. We’ve got a few shows that make us do that regularly. At work everyone talks about have you seen this drama or that and usually my answer is no. I don’t watch dramas. I like sitcoms. If I wanted drama I could turn the TV off and look around my crazy life. I like things that make me laugh.
Laughter is important to me. Laughter has gotten me though some of the most difficult times of my life. My therapist says I use humor to deflect other emotions. Not sure I understand what she means but she should have been paying ME for all the chuckles we shared. Charlie Chaplin said a day without laughter is a day wasted. I agree. Life is so painfully short. It’s a crime not to find happiness in every possible minute that we can.
Is there really ever inappropriate laughter? When my best friend lost her son in a tragic accident people gave us dirty looks because I was feeding her a running commentary on the floozy her ex husband brought to the funeral. Was it inappropriate of me to make a grieving mother laugh? I don’t think so. Laughter can comfort a broken heart.
When I was a senior in high school my best friend and I got kicked out of class for laughing. We couldn’t help it. We were staring out the window and a ladder walked by. It was most definitely one of those “you had to be there” situations but that particular day in that particular moment it struck us as hysterical. The teacher didn’t think so. Yet today, I couldn’t begin to tell you what was going on in that English class but Stephen and I could repeat the story of the ladder with every detail perfectly remembered. Laughter can makes memories.
Years ago when I found myself alone, heartbroken and in an unfamiliar place my oldest friend used laughter to pull me up out of my sadness and remind me that life goes on. Laughter can heal.
Being told I am funny is the greatest compliment someone can give me. I would rather be told I’m funny than be told I am beautiful or smart or creative. I mean, we all know I am all of those things but funny is my favorite. (HAHA J/K) Do you know how I knew my first marriage was over? I asked my ex husband “Do I make you laugh?” and he said “Not particularly.” Knife to the heart moment but it was incredibly eye opening. And conversely I know that my marriage to Joel is solid because we make each other laugh every single day. I think it’s the secret to a good marriage. Try not to laugh when you’re in the middle of a fight and your partner shows you this picture. It’s impossible to stay angry.
In summary…. If you do not have a drink coming out of your nose, DVR pausing, can’t breathe or speak, wet your pants a little laughter on a regular basis I’m worried about you.
Get on the internet and look up pictures of dogs in clothes or those ecards with old timey people saying ridiculous stuff or videos of humans being stupid. Find what tickles your funny bone and do it often. They don’t say laughter is the best medicine for nothing. Laughter is good for your soul.
Off to look at some Grumpy cat. Now that is funny.