
Welcome to Project Midlife!

Hi! I am Felicia, a technology geek by day – Crafter, baker, dreamer, listener, reader, writer, thinker, friend, ally, advocate, wife, mother, step mother and grandma the rest of the time! I started this blog for my family but it has blossomed in to a place for me to share my stories and observations with anyone who cares to read them. I was born and raised in Chicago but Virginia has been my home for 30+ years and I love it here. I have the best family on the planet, a loving husband, amazing children, the five most adorable grandkids in the world, and loyal friends. Most days I really like my job and I try to remain upbeat and positive as much as I can. I believe laughter is medicine and what you put out to the universe always comes back around to bless you or bite you, your choice. I firmly believe that we choose our attitude. My tag line says “a look at life from the middle of it….” because that’s where I am….right squat in the middle of life.  My kids are grown but still need me. I’m seventeen years in to my second marriage and determined not to be a second marriage “statistic.” This is an interesting time in my life…so much to look back on and yet so much to look forward to. Thanks for stopping by! Leave a comment, introduce yourself and by all means…whatever you do…in life and in all things…enjoy!

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